Find the Perfect Solid Fabric for Your Project
Match Your Fabric with Dashwood Studio’s Pop Solids
Upload an image of your fabric, quilt, or sewing project, and our tool will instantly suggest complementary/related Pop solid colours

What type of Image should I upload?
Please upload a JPG image (up to 3.2MB) where the fabric is the main focus.
Ensure the photo is as clear and well-lit as possible to ensure relevant colour pairings.
You can also use the surface design images of the fabric instead.
Can I take the photo with my phone?
Yes! Modern smartphone cameras work well. Just make sure your fabric is in focus, well‑lit, and without filters.
If your image is too big please use to optimise it.
How can I share my Pop pairing?
Once your Pop Pairings are generated you can select to create a shareable image!
There’s a few options currently
- Instagram Feed – Creates a 1080x1350px image you can download specifically to post on your Instagram feed!
- Instagram Story – Create a 1080x1920px image you can download specifically to post on your Instagram story!
- Show Pop colour label on swatches – Puts the Pop colour name on the specific colour block when your image is generated.
Are my uploaded images stored permanently?
No, uploaded images are marked as temporary and are automatically deleted about 10 minutes after submission.
Why did you even make this awesome thing?
We’re always looking to bring a bit of fun to the fabric world, and this felt like a great way to not only help with creating colour pairings for the fabrics you might want to use, but also just for fun!Â
We’d love to see the Pop pairings in the wild on social media and see how everyone reacts and uses this tool.
Use #PairedwithPop and share your pairings with us!
Something went wrong!
There should be robust error checking, but an error may pop up 🙂 every now and then.
Known issues
- Sometimes Pop colours that don’t exist will be returned, this won’t show in the Pop Product Cards, but will show as a solid red block (Or Pop-Royal) in the generated image with a Pop colour name that doesn’t exist. Please regenerate the image and try again for now.
- Sometimes Pop-Royal may be returned for a missing colour – This is to do with trying to rematch any missing or mis-matched colours, except it doesn’t work very well and tends to just replace anything with Pop-Royal.
We’ll update this tool occasionally to get better colour pairings, add additional features, and fix any issues.
Please use the form below, or contact [email protected] to let us know if you’ve encountered an issue.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please also use the above ways of contact to let us know!
Special Thanks
Thanks to Lou Orth for helping us with testing & valuable feedback for early improvements!
We'd love to hear your thoughts and to see what we can improve, please let us know if you encounter any issues as well!